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Workshop - Bog Snorkelling through the muddy waters of SEND Funding

with Pauline Aitchison, Deputy Director - Schools North East


In this workshop Pauline will look at navigating the muddy waters SEND funding, which is a unique test of skill and endurance.  With the only certainties being that the amount of pupils with SEND continues to grow, and the cost pressures on schools persist, how can school leaders gather information to challenge funding decisions.   Pauline will talk through findings from her work with School Business Professionals working in England’s special schools and Alternative Provision and discuss how leaders can come together, raise voices and appeal for clearer waters in which to swim.

Have knowledge of what SEND funding looks like in a range of settings

See the benefits of collaboration and strong networks to raise the voice of school leaders

Facilitator Profile:

Pauline joined Schools North East in July 2017 as Business Manager and was appointed Deputy Director in 2020. With over 20 years working in education in the North East, Pauline brings a wealth of knowledge and experience of the region's schools. Pauline also brings governance experience having served as both a governor and associate governor and an academy trust member and she is currently a trustee of a special school MAT.  She understands the challenges faced by schools and is committed to making a difference to the learning chances of pupils in the region.

Pauline leads the National Network of Special Schools, (NNoSS) for School Business Professionals bringing together schools from across England, and sits on the DfE Network Leaders Forum ensuring the voice of NE and special sector SBMs is heard at a national level.

Pauline is currently undertaking a MBA in strategic leadership.