Pension fact sheet eight - phased retirement This fact sheet provides advice on an option for teachers aged 55 or older to reduce their hours/salary and collect from their teachers' pension scheme some of their accrued benefits so that they can... 07 August 2020
Pension fact sheet 12 - local government pension scheme This fact sheet is designed to inform members of the LGPS of the main provisions of the scheme. 07 August 2020
Pension fact sheet 11 - Re-employment This fact sheet highlights the responsibilities that you must undertake to reduce the likelihood of an overpayment of your pension scheme. 07 August 2020
Pension fact sheet 10 - leaving teaching? This fact sheet provides information and guidance if you are considering leaving teaching. Whether you are retiring on grounds of age or ill health, are taking early retirement or have been awarded... 07 August 2020
Pensions fact sheet 13 - Lifetime allowance Whenever you access your pension benefits, the value of the benefits taken is tested against your lifetime allowance. 07 August 2020