Resignation dates and everything else you may need to know about resignation Advice setting out the resignation dates and notice periods for teachers, commonly asked questions and some recent cases studies. 16 March 2023
Parental complaints – the art of the possible, with a model complaints procedure An overview of managing parental complaints, with advice on setting up an academies complaints procedure and a model complaints procedure that school leaders to adapt in their workplace. 06 March 2023
Sickness and other absences: a complete overview, including FAQs and a model policy for schools A sickness absence procedure, some answers to commonly asked questions and a model policy for schools to adapt. 02 March 2023
Parents: building effective home-school partnerships, when disputes arise and looking after your PTA Advice for school leaders on building positive and effective home-school partnerships, parents and parental responsibility and looking after your PTA. 24 February 2023
School premises and asbestos – a best practice guide Advice for school leaders around legislation related to school premises and the management of asbestos in schools and colleges. 22 February 2023