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What governing boards and school leaders should expect from each other – updated guidance

The newly updated 2022 edition of the popular joint guidance What governing boards and school leaders should expect from each other has just been published. 

This guidance is published jointly by NAHT with the National Governance Association (NGA), the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), the Institute of School Business Leadership (ISBL) and the Local Government Association (LGA).

Now in its sixth edition, the guidance is being published as two parallel versions for the first time – one tailored for LA schools’ governing bodies and the other for multi-academy trusts. 

NAHT general secretary Paul Whiteman explains why it is so important for governors and school leaders to develop strong working relationships:

“A strong, positive relationship between governors and school leaders is essential.  It has a significant impact on the quality of educational provision and on the opportunity and life chances of children. I am very pleased to help launch the new and updated 2022 versions of our joint guidance on what governing boards and school leaders should expect from each other.

This joint guidance has proved very popular with and helpful to our 35,000-strong school leader membership. It offers helpful, up-to-date best practice advice on how school leaders, governing bodies and trusts can build productive relationships and a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities.

We hope that these new, updated versions will continue to be a useful resource for school leaders and governors alike.”

Download your copies here:

First published 08 April 2022