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Equality, diversity and inclusion



Advice and guidance from NAHT that supports and addresses issues of equality, diversity and inclusion. 

Diversity and inclusion – what to do when things go wrong In your position as an employer, if a member of staff says you or another member of staff has unlawfully discriminated against them at work, you have a responsibility to deal with the complaint in a way that establishes if there has been unlawful discrimination, and, if there has, puts the situation right. This NAHT advice outlines what to do if you face this situation. 05 July 2019

Female genital mutilation It is estimated that there are 60,000 girls under 15 at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM) in the UK at present. This guidance covers the signs to look out for, the legal position and the duty to report. 01 July 2019

Diversity and inclusion – the basics Complying with equality legislation not only ensures that you are meeting minimum legal requirements but sets the tone for the culture of a school. 19 March 2019