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Three steps to RSHE success: plan your relationships, sex and health education curriculum

It is now a statutory requirement for schools in England to teach Relationships/Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education — sometimes abbreviated as ‘RSHE’.

PSHE education is the school curriculum subject through which RSHE content is delivered in the vast majority of schools. Teaching RSHE within this context is effective because of the overlap and connections between health, relationships, economic wellbeing and thriving in life and work.

Mental health, physical health and maintaining healthy relationships (including at home and online) are key issues of concern, particularly following the pandemic. So it has never been more important to prioritise effective PSHE education, and regular curriculum time. This applies both to ensuring safe, effective remote teaching and choice of resources as well as supporting pupils’ well-being and recovery when they return to the classroom. 

The pandemic has also created extremely difficult circumstances for schools and challenges in preparing for statutory RSHE. Recognising this, ASCLAYPHNAHTNEUPHE, the PSHE Association and the Sex Education Forum have worked together to bring you Three steps to RSHE success, which contains practical advice on three key steps to successfully implementing the statutory changes:

  1. Consulting with parents and pupils, and developing policy
  2. What to teach and how to teach it
  3. Sustaining success.

You can access Three steps to RSHE success here.

Another source of support is RSHE Ready, a series of podcasts exploring different aspects of RSHE implementation, which provides guidance and tips from voices from across the sector to help you plan for RSHE success. 

First published 01 April 2021