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National executive


National executive acts as the principal democratic governing body within the union, it is responsible for implementing the decisions of NAHT’s Annual Conference and AGM, for determining policy in between those annual meetings, and for directing the work and strategy of NAHT.

National executive members are elected representatives of their sector or regional constituencies and are responsible for providing a voice for members, acting as stewards of the union, and for providing strategic direction to the union’s affairs.

Contact our democracy and governance team to learn more about the role and get in touch with NAHT's national executive. 

The role and responsibilities of national executive members

All members of NAHT's national executive are elected to represent a region or sector of our membership. National executive members:

  • participate in the strategic oversight of the union’s affairs and direct the work of NAHT between Annual Conferences
  • oversee the implementation of policy decisions from Annual Conference and participate in determining the policy priorities for the union
  • participate in national committees, sector councils, and task and finish groups to support and guide the campaigns, policy, and governance work of the union
  • give voice to the views of members in their regions and sectors
  • provide support to local officials through their participation in the regional democracy of the union.

National executive election outcomes

Following the conclusion of balloting at noon on 26 July 2024, the independent scrutineer, Civica Election Services, has announced the outcomes of the national executive elections for the following seats: early years (A), life members (A), secondary (A), and south west (A).

The successful candidates are:

  • Jo O’Raw (early years sector representative)
  • Andy Mellor (life members' sector Representative)
  • Chris Parry (secondary sector representative)
  • Ruh Alford (south west regional representative)

Following onboarding and induction these candidates are due to begin their term of office on 1 September 2024.

The independent scrutineer’s report can be found here (member login required). Should you have any questions please contact NAHT governance and executive officer Adam Ives at adam.ives@naht.org.uk.

Regional representatives


  • Alan Garnett
  • Vacant
  • Steve Mills


East Midlands

  • Joanne Sanchez-Thompson
  • Nazma Jassat

Greater London

  • Lorraine Flanagan
  • Dave Woods
  • James Lacey
  • Jonathan Bailey

North East

  • Angi Gibson
  • Dame Nicola Stephenson

North West

  • Amanda Hulme
  • Simon Kidwell (immediate past president)
  • Nicola Kearney
  • Roger Blackburn

South Central

  • Jo Ayres
  • Vacant

South East

  • Hilary Goldsmith
  • Ollie Burcombe

South West

  • Ruh Alford
  • Lorna Legg

West Midlands

  • Emily Jones
  • Michelle Sheehy
  • Amy Lassman


  • Martin Vayro
  • Cathy Rowland
  • David Pattison


  • Dean Taylor
  • Huw Jones

Northern Ireland

  • Clare Majury
  • Jonny Gray 


  • Judith Stott (treasurer)

Sector representatives

Early years

  • Jo O’Raw


  • Graham Frost
  • Sarah Hewitt-Clarkson


  • Jackie Bartley
  • Chris Parry


  • Marijke Miles
  • Steve Howell

Deputy and assistant heads

  • Melanie Collins
  • James Hawkins

School business leaders

  • Rachel Younger (president)

Middle leaders (Edge)

  • Selena Bartlett 

Life members

  • John Killeen