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Education policy committee

Chair:  Chris Hill, head teacher, Hounslow Town Primary School, Middlesex 

The education policy committee is one of three to guide national executive decision-making. It steers and oversees NAHT's interaction with the government and other key stakeholders on education policy. The committee takes forward the blueprint of actions for the next year agreed by members at our annual conference. It also develops and adjusts our policy positions and campaigns on education matters as government policy emerges and evolves.

The committee refers matters of business to the relevant sector council or committee, who provide reports, recommendations or expertise to inform decision making. Recommendations are then put before national executive, ensuring policy-making decisions are grounded in robust, knowledge-based procedures. 

The education policy committee's main areas of interest are as follows:

  • Accountability and inspection
  • Curriculum and assessment
  • School and academy funding
  • Pupil well-being
  • Overall government policy and legislation

For any other questions about the committee, get in touch with our policy team by emailing policy@naht.org.uk.

The policy and practice committees joined together to form the education policy committee in June 2018.