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NAHT Cymru

NAHT Cymru is the definitive voice of school leaders in Wales. We keep the best interests of children at the heart of everything we do.

Along with our colleagues in England and Northern Ireland, we are here to defend and extend the rights of our members, as well as provide advice, protection and support specific to school leaders throughout Wales

NAHT Cymru yw llais diffyniadol arweinwyr ysgolion yng Nghymru. Mae buddiannau gorau plant yng nghraidd popeth a wnawn.

Ynghyd â'n cydweithwyr yn Lloegr a Gogledd Iwerddon, rydym yn bodoli i warchod ac ymestyn hawliau ein haelodau, yn ogystal â darparu cyngor, diogelwch a chymorth sy'n benodol i arweinwyr ysgolion ledled Cymru.

Autumn term in Wales to start on 1 September

A message from NAHT Cymru to members in Wales


Today, in perhaps the most significant moment for schools since lockdown first began, the education minister Kirsty Williams has just announced the following: "I can confirm that the autumn term in Wales will start on 1 September. 

"Schools that can accommodate all pupils from the start of the term should do so. I recognise that some schools may want a short period to focus on priority year groups, such as those new to secondary schools, those sitting exams next summer or those in reception classes. Doing so in that first fortnight may also allow time for any planning and reorganisation that can't happen before the end of this term. 

"However, in the interests of all of our children and young people, all schools will be open to all pupils by 14 September at the very latest." 

No one should underestimate the scale of the task involved in the full reopening of our schools. However, we welcome a transition period to enable schools to get children and staff back to normal and the recognition that there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to reopening schools. 

In many ways, this is the easy part. The bigger challenge and crucial next step will be for the Welsh Government to supply the logistical detail to accompany the broad plan; clear and comprehensive guidance will be crucial to its success. We are liaising with government officials on the guidance, and we expect this to be published on Monday 13 July. 

We welcome the announcement of an additional £29 million to schools to boost support for learners at crucial stages in their education from September. We must continue to invest in the next generation if we are to repair the damage that the pandemic has had on the education of our children and young people. 

Throughout the current crisis, school leaders have demonstrated a remarkable ability to transform their schools and adapt to the latest guidance; there is no doubt that they will be able to do so again. NAHT Cymru will continue to work with the Welsh Government to highlight areas of concern and ensure that we have the best possible chance of a successful return to school in September. Indeed, just last week, NAHT Cymru sent this open letter to Kirsty Williams calling for clarity of the return to school plans for September. 

Inevitably, the publication of this guidance will lead to many questions as school leaders begin to consider how to implement it in their unique settings. We are, therefore, delighted to confirm that Kirsty Williams has agreed to join us again for our next live webinar (on Tuesday 14 July at 4pm). This exclusive event is only open to members - to join us for this event and put your questions directly to the minister, click here. If you have colleagues who would be interested in joining us ahead of the event, please share this link with them. 

NAHT Cymru is committed to ensuring that the voice of school leaders throughout the nation is heard at the very heart of government. We thank you for your continued support and everything you are doing during these unprecedented times.


Heddiw, yn yr hyn sydd o bosib y cam mwyaf arwyddocaol i ysgolion ers iddyn nhw orfod cau yn y Gwanwyn, mae'r gweinidog addysg Kirsty Williams newydd gyhoeddi’r canlynol: "Gallaf gadarnhau y bydd tymor yr hydref yng Nghymru yn dechrau ar 1 Medi. 

"Dylai ysgolion a all gynnig lle i’w holl ddisgyblion o ddechrau'r tymor wneud hynny. Rwy'n cydnabod y gallai rhai ysgolion fod eisiau cyfnod byr i ganolbwyntio ar grwpiau blwyddyn â blaenoriaeth, fel y rhai sy'n newydd i ysgolion uwchradd, y rhai sy'n sefyll arholiadau’r haf nesaf neu'r rhai sydd mewn dosbarthiadau derbyn. Gall gwneud hynny yn ystod y pythefnos cyntaf hefyd ganiatáu amser ar gyfer unrhyw gynllunio ac ad-drefnu na all ddigwydd cyn diwedd y tymor hwn. 

"Fodd bynnag, er budd pob un o'n plant a'n pobl ifanc, bydd pob ysgol ar agor i bob disgybl erbyn 14 Medi fan bellaf." 

Ni ddylai unrhyw un fethu â sylweddoli maint y dasg sy'n gysylltiedig ag ailagor ein hysgolion yn llawn. Fodd bynnag, rydym yn croesawu cyfnod pontio i alluogi ysgolion i gael plant a staff yn ôl i normal, ynghyd â’r gydnabyddiaeth nad oes dull un-maint-i-bawb yn perthyn i ailagor ysgolion. 

Mewn sawl ffordd, dyma'r rhan hawdd. Yr her fwy a'r cam nesaf hanfodol fydd i Lywodraeth Cymru gyflenwi'r manylion ymarferol i gyd-fynd â'r cynllun eang; bydd arweiniad clir a chynhwysfawr yn hanfodol i'w lwyddiant. Rydym yn cydlynu â swyddogion y llywodraeth ar y canllawiau, ac rydym yn disgwyl i hyn gael ei gyhoeddi ddydd Llun 13 Gorffennaf. 

Rydym yn croesawu’r cyhoeddiad y bydd £29 miliwn yn ychwanegol ar gael i ysgolion i hybu cymorth i ddysgwyr yn ystod camau hanfodol yn eu haddysg o fis Medi. Rhaid i ni barhau i fuddsoddi yn y genhedlaeth nesaf os ydym am atgyweirio'r difrod y mae'r pandemig wedi'i beri o ran addysg ein plant a'n pobl ifanc. 

Drwy gydol yr argyfwng presennol, mae arweinwyr ysgolion wedi dangos gallu rhyfeddol i drawsnewid eu hysgolion ac addasu i'r canllawiau diweddaraf; nid oes amheuaeth na fyddant yn gallu gwneud hynny eto. Bydd NAHT Cymru yn parhau i weithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru i dynnu sylw at feysydd pryder a sicrhau bod gennym y siawns orau bosibl o ddychwelyd yn llwyddiannus i'r ysgol ym mis Medi. Yn wir, mor ddiweddar â’r wythnos ddiwethaf, anfonodd NAHT Cymru’r llythyr agored hwn at Kirsty Williams yn galw am eglurder ynghylch y cynlluniau ar gyfer dychwelyd i’r ysgol ym mis Medi. 

Yn anochel, bydd cyhoeddi'r canllawiau hyn yn arwain at lawer o gwestiynau wrth i arweinwyr ysgolion ddechrau ystyried sut i'w gweithredu yn eu lleoliadau unigryw eu hunain. Rydym, felly, yn falch iawn o gadarnhau bod Kirsty Williams wedi cytuno i ymuno â ni eto ar gyfer ein gweminar byw nesaf (ddydd Mawrth 14 Gorffennaf am 4pm). Mae'r digwyddiad unigryw hwn ar agor i aelodau yn unig - i ymuno â ni ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn a gofyn eich cwestiynau yn uniongyrchol i'r gweinidog, cliciwch yma. Os oes gennych chi gydweithwyr a fyddai â diddordeb mewn ymuno â ni cyn y digwyddiad, a fyddech cystal â rhannu’r ddolen hon gyda nhw. 

Mae NAHT Cymru wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod llais arweinwyr ysgolion ledled y wlad yn cael ei glywed wrth galon y llywodraeth. Rydyn ni'n diolch i chi am eich cefnogaeth barhaus a phopeth rydych chi'n ei wneud yn ystod y cyfnod digynsail hwn.

First published 09 July 2020
NAHT Cymru 2024

Please give us your views  on the current consultations


Welsh Government

Independent review of school teachers pay and conditions in Wales

OPENED 18 January 2018 - CLOSES 1 March 2018

NAHT Cymru draft response of independent review

Support for doctoral study
OPENED 8 December 2017 - CLOSES 2 March 2018

The Education (Amendments Relating to Teacher Assessment Information) (Wales) Regulations 2018
OPENED 14 November 2017 – CLOSES 30 January 2018

Recent consultations

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