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NAHT Cymru

Read NAHT Cymru's general election manifesto for education:
For Their Future (English)For Their Future (Welsh)

NAHT Cymru is the definitive voice of school leaders in Wales. We keep the best interests of children at the heart of everything we do.

Along with our colleagues in England and Northern Ireland, we are here to defend and extend the rights of our members, as well as provide advice, protection and support specific to school leaders throughout Wales

NAHT Cymru yw llais diffyniadol arweinwyr ysgolion yng Nghymru. Mae buddiannau gorau plant yng nghraidd popeth a wnawn.

Ynghyd â'n cydweithwyr yn Lloegr a Gogledd Iwerddon, rydym yn bodoli i warchod ac ymestyn hawliau ein haelodau, yn ogystal â darparu cyngor, diogelwch a chymorth sy'n benodol i arweinwyr ysgolion ledled Cymru.

NAHT Cymru comments on reintroduced face mask requirements for schools

Laura Doel, Director of NAHT Cymru, said: “Given the high level of uncertainty around the new variant, it would seem sensible to take a precautionary approach, at least in the short-term, and return to the policy that was in place earlier in the year of masks in secondary classrooms.

“But while the Welsh Government has taken a prudent approach in secondary schools, we still remain deeply concerned about primary and special schools. Even before the emergence of the new variant, NAHT Cymru has raised repeatedly its concerns that current measures needed to be reviewed and strengthened given the high numbers of cases of the delta variant in schools and the severe impact it is having on schools’ ability to deliver education.

“High levels of staff absence continues to cause immeasurable problems for schools. With the threat of a new variant looming, it is more important than ever for the Welsh Government to listen to the profession and seek to reintroduce those mitigation measures that had little or no impact on the delivery of education, like relaxing session times and allowing the grouping of learners for moving around the setting purposes.

“We have an opportunity to act now to avoid further disruption and we have a duty to our learners and the school workforce to do all we can to keep them in school safely.”

First published 29 November 2021

Please give us your views  on the current consultations


Welsh Government

Independent review of school teachers pay and conditions in Wales

OPENED 18 January 2018 - CLOSES 1 March 2018

NAHT Cymru draft response of independent review

Support for doctoral study
OPENED 8 December 2017 - CLOSES 2 March 2018

The Education (Amendments Relating to Teacher Assessment Information) (Wales) Regulations 2018
OPENED 14 November 2017 – CLOSES 30 January 2018

Recent consultations

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