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NAHT Cymru

NAHT Cymru is the definitive voice of school leaders in Wales. We keep the best interests of children at the heart of everything we do.

Along with our colleagues in England and Northern Ireland, we are here to defend and extend the rights of our members, as well as provide advice, protection and support specific to school leaders throughout Wales

NAHT Cymru yw llais diffyniadol arweinwyr ysgolion yng Nghymru. Mae buddiannau gorau plant yng nghraidd popeth a wnawn.

Ynghyd â'n cydweithwyr yn Lloegr a Gogledd Iwerddon, rydym yn bodoli i warchod ac ymestyn hawliau ein haelodau, yn ogystal â darparu cyngor, diogelwch a chymorth sy'n benodol i arweinwyr ysgolion ledled Cymru.

NAHT Cymru comments on CYPE committee report on impact of Covid pandemic on children and young people

Laura Doel, director of NAHT Cymru, said: “It is vital that the next Welsh Government recognises the impact of the pandemic on children and young people and does not attempt a quick fix approach to address a long-term issue.

“The CYPE committee report echoes our views that we need to talk about learner recovery and not catch up; that the mention of lost learning does nothing to support the needs of our children and young people and only brands them with a label that will cause untold damage.

“NAHT Cymru believes that the profession must be given the time to assess learner needs and access to additional support from other agencies to address the additional needs identified. Recovery cannot be left to schools alone.

"Recovery will happen with excellent teaching and learning that is rooted in wellbeing at its core. We believe that the government’s place is to support that process by retaining good teachers and investing in them.

“Crucially, the report once again calls on the government to deliver the recommendations of the committee’s school funding inquiry and subsequent Sibieta Review, to ensure that sufficient funding is provided for schools and distributed effectively.

“If schools are to give our learners the support they need with post-Covid recovery, if they are to deliver the new curriculum and other radical changes in education and if they are to support those in our schools who are the most vulnerable under the Additional Learning Needs and Assessment Act, then the school funding crisis must be addressed.”

Press and Media contacts:

Steven George
NAHT Head of Press and Media
01444 472886
07970 907730

Rose Tremlett 
Senior Press Officer 
07545 354363

Email : press.office@naht.org.uk

First published 24 March 2021
NAHT Cymru 2024

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Welsh Government

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OPENED 18 January 2018 - CLOSES 1 March 2018

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The Education (Amendments Relating to Teacher Assessment Information) (Wales) Regulations 2018
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