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NAHT Cymru

NAHT Cymru is the definitive voice of school leaders in Wales. We keep the best interests of children at the heart of everything we do.

Along with our colleagues in England and Northern Ireland, we are here to defend and extend the rights of our members, as well as provide advice, protection and support specific to school leaders throughout Wales

NAHT Cymru yw llais diffyniadol arweinwyr ysgolion yng Nghymru. Mae buddiannau gorau plant yng nghraidd popeth a wnawn.

Ynghyd â'n cydweithwyr yn Lloegr a Gogledd Iwerddon, rydym yn bodoli i warchod ac ymestyn hawliau ein haelodau, yn ogystal â darparu cyngor, diogelwch a chymorth sy'n benodol i arweinwyr ysgolion ledled Cymru.

Estyn report shows significant hurdles for schools in Wales say school leaders

Commenting on the Chief Inspector’s Annual Report 2023-24 published by Estyn today, Laura Doel, National Secretary of school leaders’ union NAHT Cymru, said: “This report makes clear that significant hurdles remain for schools in Wales.

“The report's emphasis on the need for improved self-evaluation and planning is crucial. However, we must acknowledge that schools are grappling with this amid ongoing pressures, including persistent recruitment challenges and serious funding pressures.

“We're particularly concerned about the continuing impact of learner absenteeism and the difficulties in recruiting teachers and support staff across various specialisms. These issues require urgent attention, investment and support from the Welsh Government.

“As we did last year, we stress that schools cannot tackle these challenges alone. While educators are working tirelessly to support learners, external factors such as the cost-of-living crisis continue to affect families and, consequently, student outcomes. We reiterate our call for increased government investment in schools and support for families to ensure that all children in Wales have the best possible chance to succeed.”

First published 12 February 2025
NAHT Cymru 2024

Links to courses/events that are relevant to Welsh members.

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Welsh Government

Independent review of school teachers pay and conditions in Wales

OPENED 18 January 2018 - CLOSES 1 March 2018

NAHT Cymru draft response of independent review

Support for doctoral study
OPENED 8 December 2017 - CLOSES 2 March 2018

The Education (Amendments Relating to Teacher Assessment Information) (Wales) Regulations 2018
OPENED 14 November 2017 – CLOSES 30 January 2018

Recent consultations

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