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NAHT Crown Dependencies

NAHT represents school leaders in Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man. We provide advice, training and support for our members on a range of issues faced by senior leaders in schools. Along with our colleagues in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, NAHT is there to defend and extend the rights of school leaders. 

Reducing workload and improving well-being: one trust’s journey

From ditching performance targets to allowing teachers time off – hear how a multi-academy trust is overhauling its policies in a bid to tackle workload and improve the well-being of its teaching staff.

Jonny Uttley, chief executive officer at ⁠The Education Alliance⁠ – a trust based in the East Riding of Yorkshire – speaks to NAHT assistant general secretary James Bowen about the need for accountability reform, their workload charter and the steps they’re taking to reduce teaching tasks, boost retention and bring about improvements for staff and students.

Click below to listen, or find the School Leadership Podcast on your favourite podcast app – where you can also rate, review and subscribe. 


First published 15 October 2024