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Schools Project on Poland


The Schools Project on Poland is a great way for young people to get to know more about Poland, the history of Poland, its links with Britain and the contribution of Polish people to the UK. It is a project in three stages, and you can do any or all of them.

Resources you need to run the project

The project's resources have been devised for use in secondary schools, but they can easily be adapted for use in a primary context or less formal educational setting. Some teachers are in schools where there is a strong connection to Poland; others may have little direct connection. These resources are suitable for students in all settings. They can be used, for example, in a History or PSHE class in two or three lessons, or they can be used as part of a larger school project. Suggested 'routes' through the resources are provided so that teachers can adapt them to their needs. In addition, materials are in an editable format.

Schools are required to support students' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development in all parts of the UK. In England, this is part of the government's requirement for schools to promote so-called 'British values', and across the UK there is a concern for schools to play a role in developing greater social cohesion. These activities support this aspect of the school curriculum and could also meet some of the requirements of the history, English or geography curricula. 

British Council's Polish language and culture education pack

A Polish language and culture pack available from the British Council helps primary teachers to introduce aspects of Polish language and culture to their pupils. It contains lesson and assembly plans, factual information and resources to help pupils develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of the rich language, geography and culture of Poland.

The materials are designed to be flexible and adaptable for use in a variety of settings. They can be used as starting points for individual lessons and assemblies or form part of larger cross-curricular joint projects involving collaboration over a number of subjects. Pupils can learn how to greet a friend in Polish, get creative making paper cut-outs and find out about many aspects of Polish culture.

First published 10 October 2019