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ERASMUS + Leadership Coaching

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The aims of the Erasmus + Leadership, coaching and mentoring project have been to establish an induction, coaching and mentoring programme for newly appointed school leaders, which exploits the proven expertise and capacity of experienced and recently retired members or partner organisations/associations

The materials on this platform were developed and trialed by the partner organisations and are freely available to be used by other organisations and associations throughout the European Union.

The simplicity of the materials will enable them to be used in a wide range of educational settings, enabling mentors and mentees to focus on the areas that are relevant to each individuals needs and the  structures within which they work.

Useful resources

NAHT led this project in partnership with five other organisations.


National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals (NAPD) – Ireland

Associazione Nazionale Dirigenti e Alte Professisionalita dela Scoula (ANP) – Italy

Drustvo Ravnatelj (DR) – Slovenia

Vereniging Leidinggevenden (VLVO) – Belgium

European School Heads Assocition (ESHA)


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