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National officers


The national officers are the figureheads that sit at the top of our democratic structure.

Elected by our members to speak on their behalf, national officers work with government representatives and leaders from other organisations to resolve the issues school leaders face.

They hold greater accountability for our work and decide how best we can achieve what our members need.

We have five national officers. Learn more about our leadership team and what they do for you below.

General secretary

The general secretary is our chief ambassador responsible for leading the way on how we influence policy for the benefit of school leaders and learners everywhere. Our general secretary listens to the concerns of school leaders; articulates their views to Westminster, key stakeholders and the media; and puts forward constructive solutions to bring about positive change in education. At the helm of the association, the role is responsible for working with national executive to develop our vision and strategy, and reporting back to members the outcome of our work at annual conference. This position is our most senior paid professional and subject to quinquennial election by the membership.


The president is one of our two principal officers (the other being our general secretary) responsible for leading the way on how we influence policy for the benefit of school leaders and learners everywhere. The president, which is the most senior elected lay position at NAHT, also chairs our national executive, annual conference and AGM.

Vice president 

The vice president succeeds the president, so the year in post is, essentially, preparation for their future term in office. The vice president shadows the president and deputises in their absence (eg attends official functions or chairs our national executive) to learn how to juggle the demands of the role.


The treasurer, elected for a three-year term of office, watches over and safeguards our financial affairs. The role is responsible for making sure we comply with financial regulations and have appropriate financial structures and procedures in place. The treasurer also presents our annual accounts to members at the AGM each year.

Immediate past president

The immediate past president supports the incoming president by sharing knowledge and experience from their time in office. They too can deputise in the president’s absence (eg attends official functions or chairs our national executive). The position gives the elected member the chance to see any projects started the year before through to completion.

See the current officer team.